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Wednesday 08/18/2004 #411

Open @ University City

Hash Trash:

The night was moist. The brave hashers, including a handful of visitors (no virgins), congregated in the parking lot of a local education center (ironic, isn't it?), to prepare for their bold adventure. Preparation involved, of course, the strict ingestion of moderate amounts of frosty beer. We circled up at precisely 7:00 PM, as we do every week, and were ceremoniously led by the soon departing Queen of the Pu$$ies, our substitute RA. After the requisite tutorial and other ceremonies, we set off on one of the stinkiest trails in recent history. Down smelly streets and past malodorous creeks, we eventually reached the beer stop and were greeted by Waldo's lovely wife and her lovely cooler of beer. After a brief pause to discuss politics and recent advances in nuclear physics, the hashers headed out once again to complete the circuit. Back at the education center, we rounded up to complete the evening with a circle for the ages. FRBs and DFLs were named aplenty, and many down-downs were had. An innocent and unknowing Cross-Dressing Guard was viciously assaulted and molested by the slightly larger Fartfignugen. Fortunately, all was forgiven and the two showed their undying love for one another over a frosty romantic down-down. Then came the hash-shit nominations. Many were nominated, but only our beloved Queen of the Pu$$ies could win (I believe it had something to do with that he's leaving us, but things are a bit fuzzy from there on out). We ended the circle in the usual fashion and headed to Cicero's where many more beers and some good food was enjoyed by all. All in all, just another shitty trail...


Big Hump Hash House Harriers - St. Louis, Missouri - Established 1999