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Saturday 03/12/2016 #1314

Donkey Style & Three Inch King @ ???

Nobody has written the Hash Trash yet...WHY ARE WE WAITING!?!?!


Circle Up:
200 Adelia Avenue, 63125

Are you disappointed in your liver?  Has it done something deserving of punishment?  No?  Then, maybe you need to speed up time to expedite the arrival of Green Dress?  After all, time spent unconscious from drinking "the proper amount" goes by in the blink of eye, amiright?

Whatever your motivations, help us help you make terrible decisions.  Join us for another incredibly shitty, booze filled, Three Donkeys Inching Style King's Trail (formerly known as the Bean-Donkey Wiener-Style Trail.  That's right mofo, you're being called out for bailing on this).

What to expect?  Surprise Buttsex!  Except, less of a surprise now that you've been told.  Probably some bush, the not so good kind.  This ain't a 70's porno.  And most importantly, regret and disappointment - tons of it.  Shouldn't be much different than your everyday life, except this regret and disappoint tastes like a combination of booze and bodily fluid instead of poor life choices.  Cheers!

There will be a Turkey/Eagle and Walker trail.  Runner's trail is not the friendliest for four legged friends.  Shiggy socks would be a good idea.  Maybe bring an umbrella or a poncho, if you're a pussy.

On After:
Feraro's Jersey Style Pizza
7704 Ivory Ave, 63111

Fuck the Cubs.

Big Hump Hash House Harriers - St. Louis, Missouri - Established 1999